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    Sponsors message



                               Daca doresti spatiu de publicitate aici,suna la 0758-644.761 !!!        


    Dear Sir / Madam,

    Charity "TIMI & Raluca" was born as a result of indifference to society helpless children, children with serious health problems which are multiplying every day in this country.
    Through this association where we joined many people with big hearts to fulfill wishes of children, their children"s desires, dreams can îndeplinii with your support.

    You can make a wish of a child with problems happens.

    Fulfilling a desire for children means a lot more than  they have what to eat, what to wear or where to sleep, some may not realize that these things get critical, but the joy of their desires would be fulfilled some mean a lot and certainly will never forget.
    To the extent you believe that our initiative finds an echo in your soul, waiting with great interest according to agendas, to have a meeting to establish the details of the "one gram of happiness."

    Receive, please ensure our highest consideration. 

                           https://***** />
    Firms wishing to help may require sponsorship.This contract can be viewed in the "Association Documents"
    Tax Code provides that a portion of the tax due can be directed to sponsorships.
    Article 21 (4) of Law 571/22.12.2003
    - P) expenses of sponsorship and / or patronage and expenditure on private scholarships, granted by law, taxpayers who made sponsorship and / or acts of patronage, according to Law no. 32/1994 on sponsorship, as amended, and Law Library no. 334/2002, republished, with subsequent amendments and grantors of private scholarships, by law, against the corporation tax amounts, if aggregate expenditure fulfills the following conditions:
    1. is a limit of three per thousand of the turnover;
    2. not exceed more than 20% of corporation tax.


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    Cu deosebita stima,echipa reghin online - portalul reghinenilor 

      Vrei sa ajuti la derularea activitatilor si proiectelor Asociatiei filantropice "Timi&Raluca"?O poti face printr-o mica donatie in contul AFTR : RO11BRMA0999100060580570  deschis la Banca Romaneasca Reghin

                                     Sau achizitioneaza, un spatiu publicitar.Acesta va fi inserat in pagina aleasa de tine.

                             Daca doresti spatiu de publicitate aici,suna la 0758-644.761 !!!


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