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    Ecoflex convector premier

    ECOFLEX –direct-heating convectors

    Ecoflex convector premier- cu termostat digital- numai la comanda
    Direct-heating convectors use the principle of standard convection heating – a heating element heats the air in the room which then starts to circulate and warm the whole room. It is electric heating with easy regulation, the lowest acquisition costs, very easy installation and zero maintenance costs. Electric convectors supplied by FENIX are standardly equipped with an accurate electronic thermostat with a switching differential of ± 0.1°C, or with an electromechanical thermostat with a switching differential of ± 0.5°C.
    Convectors with an electronic thermostat

    An electronic thermostat provides highly accurate temperature regulation in a room, and with the installation of these convectors exceptional operating parameters can be achieved. Apart from accurate regulation, the electronic thermostat also offers completely silent operation. All convectors with an electronic thermostat are standardly equipped with a pilot wire (for more specific information, see the chapter Regulation of direct-heating convectors).

    Convectors with an electromechanical thermostat

    Convectors with an electromechanical thermostat are a simpler (and thus cheaper) alternative to the electronic version. Their regulation is less accurate and they are therefore suitable mainly for rooms with lower requirements for an accurately maintained temperature or in places where there is a master regulation system and the thermostat on the convector isn’t used. Types with a pilot wire or without one are offered.

    Design convectors

    These are direct-heating convectors the design of which is adapted to the high requirements of modern interiors. The material used significantly changes the overall appearance of the convector and makes this product not only an efficient heater but also an accessory which is hard to overlook. Such convectors are fitted with electronic regulation with a pilot wire which enables the time control of the full and attenuation modes.

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