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    sell PIGMENT DISPERSION/romania

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    Adaugat la data de 6 Feb 2012 17:25 - ID: 398538  
    mol WS-Liquid is a very suitable dispersing agent for dyeing of: polyester, triacetate fibers with disperse dyestuffs, blends of Polyester/Wool with disperse. Dyeing of cellulose fibers with vat dyes and also pigment.
      Appearance: Dark brownish viscose liquid
      Nature: Condensation product of naphthalene sulphonic acid
      Ionity: Anionic
      Activity %: 50 ± 2
      Solubility: Miscible with water
      Stability: Good resistance to acids, alkalis , salts
      PH(1:10 Solution): 5 ± 2
      Safety According to our best experience, it hasn’t any harmful effect on health
      Packing: ???
      Application & Recommendation:
      mol WS-Liquid must be dissolved initially in water between 1-4 g/l and then add dyestuff. Rocktamol WS-Liquid maintains the fine dispersion of the dyestuffs during dyeing process.
      mol WS-Liquid is a very strong dispersing agent for pigment paste emulsion making. 1 - 3% of the product must be dissolved in water and added in pigment yield (powder, emulsifiers, water and other additives) simultaneously and run the processes to certain time and desired fine emulsion.
      According to our best knowledge and technical experiments, the above data is true and accurate. Regarding to variety of consumption procedures, it is recommended to evaluate the information before use


    6 Feb 2012  ·  Valabilit. 4 Feb 2017  ·  Afisari : 23  ·  Modificati anuntul  · Semnalati o neregula     

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