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    sell RPB is a Pure acrylic emulsion binder which is designed to be used as pigment printing binder.

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    Adaugat la data de 6 Feb 2012 17:33 - ID: 398541  
    acryl RPB is a Pure acrylic emulsion binder which is designed to be used as pigment printing binder.
      Appearance: Milky liquid
      Nature: Pure acrylic emulsion binder
      Ionity: Anionic
      Solid Content %: 38 ± 1
      BRF viscosity @ 20 : RPM-20°C 150 mPa.s max
      Film: Transparent soft
      PH(1:10 Solution): 5.5 - 7.5
      Sp.G @ 20°C
      Tg: -20 °C about
      Min. film forming: About 0°C temperature
      Safety According to our best experience, it hasn’t any harmful effect on health
      Packing: ???
      Application & Recommendation:
      Pigment printing based on acryl RPB has very good penetration and fixing on fabrics with good and pleasant touch and soft hand.
      Curing temperature is 150°C for 5 minutes. acryl RPB is cold sensitive and in storage and transportation must be kept from freezing.
      It can be used either with kerosene or with acrylic thickener.
      acryl RPB is cold sensitive and in storage and
      Transportation must be kept from freezing.
      According to our best knowledge and technical experiments, the above data is true and accurate. Regarding to variety of consumption procedures, it is recommended to evaluate the information before use.


    6 Feb 2012  ·  Valabilit. 4 Feb 2017  ·  Afisari : 25  ·  Modificati anuntul  · Semnalati o neregula     

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