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    MIDLAND BT Single, motociclisti PILOT/PASAGER, 1 bucata, Cod C904 *****

    97.75 EUR
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    Adaugat la data de 27 Apr 2012 10:27 - ID: 415454  
      Multimedia wireless Bluetooth headset device.
      Midland BT Single is the new Bluetooth device designed for satisfying bikers who want to communicate in a simple and reliable way with a unique and practical device.
      Midland BT Single is fitted with a plug that enables it to be wired to an iPod/MP3 player and to PMR446 trascveivers for bike to bike group communication .
      This device comes with two fixing kits that enable it to be fitted onto the helmet, that is a bi-adhesive strip and a screw -type connector, supplied as standard.This kit includes also an audio stereo system with two speakers and the microphone can be wired or with a flexible arm.
      The device can be identified from the other Midlan BT Intercom units by its different colour: BT Single is green.
      BT Single device can not be connected with other Midland BT line devices.
      - Bluetooth version 2.0 stereo (Headset/Hands-free/A2DP protocol)
      - VOX for hands free activation of the Intercom and phone call answer
      -AGC technology to automatically adjust volume when noise and speed change
      - Control buttons: Intercom, Phone, AUX (wired device)
      - Up to 8 hours of conversation and 1 week in stand by
      -Recharging time : about 4 hours
      Bluetooth connections
      - For mobile phone or GPS (Garmin Zumo e Tom Tom Rider 1 and 2)
      Wired connections
      - For iPod/MP3 stereo
      - For PMR446 transceivers for communications Bike to BIke up to maximum distance of 5 Km ( the connection cable
       is available as option)
      Hi-Fi Speaker - C895
      High quality speaker kit
      Audio Kit - C893
      1 wired microphone, 1 microphone with a flexible arm, double speaker
      Al 12 V - C894
      12V charger
      Mounting Kit - C898
      Fixing kit with screw -type connector and with bi-adhesive
      Midland BT Single
      N°1 Midland BT Single device, 1 audio kit with wired and flexible arm microphones, 1 stereo headset , 1 connection stereo cable for iPod/MP3 player, double wall adptor and 1 fixing kit with bi-adhesive strip and screw -type connector Cod.C904



    27 Apr 2012  ·  Valabilit. 26 Apr 2017  ·  Afisari : 49  ·  Modificati anuntul  · Semnalati o neregula     

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