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    Customer Service

    4.00 USD
    Alerta pret

    Adaugat la data de 16 Mai 2017 03:32 - ID: 787666  
    We are looking for a number of experienced remote workers to handle customer service duties.Please send your "Skype id" together with your resume.
      Contractor requirements: We are looking for a contractor who:
      1. Is available for 8 hours per day.
      2. Has worked in a customer service setting or a similar customer-satisfaction job.
      3. Has a solid command of the English language.
      5. Internet connection of 2Mb or more. It can not be wireless nor through a datacard. You should also test that you do not have a latency of over 100ms. You can test these requirements running a simple test at *****
      6. Windows environment: We work with a windows based web program. We do require for you to have a computer that runs on windows or has a windows environment already installed. Your operating system must be original.
      7. Headset: This headset can be simple but it must connect to your computer via USB. This is to ensure proper phone behavior and call quality.
      How to applyTo apply, please respond with a cover letter that includes the following:
      1. The language level that you have (should be 90% or above)
      2. Your customer service experience
      3. Your schedule availability
      About the company:
      We are a customer service call center with headquarters in California, US and San Jose, Costa Rica. We have been operating independently since 2007 and have successfully contracted remotely for over five years now.


    16 Mai 2017  ·  Valabilit. 12 Nov 2017  ·  Afisari : 27  ·  Modificati anuntul  · Semnalati o neregula     

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