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    Be the guide of a blind and travel for free in Europe

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    Adaugat la data de 31 Oct 2017 19:56 - ID: 804318  
    This includes three things that you will have to offer and things that you will receive.
      First thing that I offer, I pay you everything: food, accommodation, tickets, to travel with me. In exchange, as I am blind, you have to guide me, organise the journeys and everything else. About three hours of work a day.
      Second thing that I offer, I teach you for free: French, English, Esperanto, Italian, Osteopathy, Massages, Psychology, Philosophy, Tai Chi, Chi Kong, Music. I am psychologist, osteopath, musician, Shaolin Monk, champion in Echolocation (check a well-known colleague of echolocation Ben Underwood). In exchange, you will teach me... I don't know what you can offer, at least your mother tongue, and I am sure some other stuff.
      Third thing I offer, extra pocket money: In exchange, publishing videos on my youtube channel. If you don't know how to edit, we will teach you that as well.
      Send me a reply and then we can organise an appointment in a coffee in your town or wherever to meet and discuss, and see what is possible.
      I am half French half English, vegetarian nearly vegan, nudist, very sportive, don't smoke, no drugs, no alcohol. I hope you will be more or less in the same direction. Young and older people are all welcome. I would prefer a lady because we travel very often same bedroom or same tent, nothing sexual but more intimity. A man can be accepted if he is able to be closer to another man when we are traveling, to be a close cool team but again nothing sexual expected.



    31 Oct 2017  ·  Valabilit. 30 Nov 2017  ·  Afisari : 21  ·  Modificati anuntul  · Semnalati o neregula     

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