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    Nonlinear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies that can now, at the beginning of a new century, be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The methods of diagnostics are based on the analysis of vortex magnetic fields.




    METAMARK/OBERON   is developed by Russian scientists, and is the result of co-operation between quantum medicine researchers.


    It is a computer operated system that can detect different early defects and pathological changes, in human organs, tissues and cells by analysis of their wave structure.


    Thereby it can show all discrepancies in health status.


    The interface is done via pick-ups mounted in a head set, and a laser beam pointed against the aura. No skin or meridian connection with the body is used.


    The test is quick. The test of one organ only takes a few minutes. It gives you a qualitative evaluation of the organ structure and function status. There is no limitation on the number of tests performed.


    You can quickly check the effect and result of different therapies and administration of homeopathic remedies, by making a test before and after, and thereby directly evaluate the result.


    It can analyze the micro flora in the different organs, for example bacteria, viruses and fungus.


    It also has a therapeutic possibility with a quantum, frequency therapy called therapy.


    Remedies can be made and the body reaction to different remedies and products can be measured.

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